Precious Piel


We’ve all had one. Sometimes they’re big, sometimes they’re small. They vary in color and intensity and can really affect our mood. Some people get them a lot while others only see them once and a while. Zits.

I have personally had a frustrating relationship with my skin ever since high school and decided to write a post sharing some skincare tips I have learned over the years.

About six months ago I started taking a drug called Accutane. If you have ever heard of this medication, you know it is used in very serious cases of acne. I have never had cystic acne but have struggled with my skin for over 6 years. I tried different washes (Murad, Proactiv, Rhodes and Fields, etc.) I tried prescribed topical gels (duac) I tried antibiotics (doxycycline) I tried changing my diet, I tried changing my birth control, I tried EVERYTHING. My zits would go away for a bit but somehow would always reappear one way or another.

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After moving to California, I broke out pretty severely so I met with a dermatologist (Dr. Haleh Bakshandeh) and after hearing a summary of my skin history, she suggested Accutane. Immediately I balked. I had heard horror stories about this drug and my mom had never encouraged it, as she knew all about the intense side effects.

I went home and did some research- my mom was right… the drug is fierce. I weighed the pros and cons, reached out to others I knew that had taken it, and finally made my decision: I was going to take Accutane. I had read articles, blog posts and seen before and after pictures. I watched youtube videos, stalked instagram accounts and scoured the aisles of CVS for lotions, creams and chapsticks- I knew I was in for a ride, a dry one at that.

The drug prevents your body from producing oil, so my skin, lips and inside of my nose were constantly dry. I also broke out- my acne got WORSE. My doctor (and all the advice forums) told me this was going to happen at first because the drug pushes out all the oil and bacteria from your body before it can start clearing things up. My joints started hurting and when I would drink alcohol, one glass of wine left me feeling really happy. (You’re not encouraged to drink a lot of alcohol on this drug because your liver is already working so hard to detoxify the medicine.) Your skin is also very sensitive to the sun so I had to be extra careful when I was outside.

On a serious note, this drug causes birth defects, so any female who is on it has to establish two forms of birth control and must answer questions every month before the pharmacy will release the medicine. I also got monthly blood tests at my dermatologist’s office to test my liver and kidney functions.

As my body adjusted to the drug, my joint pain went away but I started noticing that I was very emotional and sensitive. Another intense side effect of Accutane is depression, as some studies have shown that it hinders the production of serotonin. I felt VERY anxious, sad and sensitive a lot of the time. I lost motivation, felt discouraged about the future and my self confidence dipped. Shout out to my friends and family (and ex-boyfriend) for helping me through this- I can’t tell you how many times I started crying (like, really crying) about things that normally didn’t affect me so much. (One time I walked into a workout class with a sports bra and yoga pants on only to be told that it was a rule to have my belly covered. I started bawling. Another time, a guest was snappy with me and didn’t say thank you; I took a break and cried in the bathroom. My roommate and I had a tiff about cleaning dishes- I started sniffling.) Point: my emotions were out of control.

After about four months on the drug my body adjusted and I was able to settle back into my normal self. My dermatologist was so helpful during the entire process because she adjusted my dosage to how my body reacted. When I started to feel like the drug really affected me, I only took one pill (40mg) a day as opposed to two pills (80mg) a day; or I would trade off and take one pill a day then two the next.

However, my skin was still very dry and the only reason my lips have not fallen off my face is because of one product and that is: Waxelene.






I can write an entire blog post just dedicated to this magical goop. The petroleum jelly alternative boasts organic soy oil, raw beeswax, natural vitamin E oil and organic rosemary oil. You can put it anywhere and it is honestly one of the greatest beauty products I’ve ever used in my life.

I also applied a product called Bio Oil all over my face, neck, eyebrows and eyelashes. It's great for scars, stretch marks, and evening out your skin tone.






I drank A LOT of water (a gallon a day) and this helped a lot with keeping my skin hydrated.

So what good things came from Accutane? Well my skin cleared up, my hair became healthier and I became more emotionally intelligent (*nervous laugh.) After various outbreaks and lots of frustration, my skin really did improve. My pores shrunk in size, I don’t have blackheads and my skin became much softer. My scalp didn’t produce as much oil, so I didn’t shampoo my hair as much, which in turn helped my hair grow. I finally felt comfortable leaving my house without three layers of foundation and still feel so happy when someone compliments my skin.

This all being said, regardless if you have acne problems or not, it’s time to start a skin routine, because what you do in your twenties sets the tone for the rest of your life. Not saying you need to start applying anti-wrinkle cream or schedule appointments for botox (but if you do, come to LA- there’s a place on every corner) but taking care of your skin will help you more than make up ever will.

Disclaimer: what works for me might not work for you. Experiment until you find what makes your skin feel great!

Krafty’s skincare rules:

  1. WASH YOUR FACE EVERY SINGLE NIGHT (no excuses – even if you’re dead tired or drunk, at least wipe your face with a make up remover wipe.)
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Find products that agree with your skin type and use them (a wash, a toner and lotion.) I like the Alba Botanica "Acne Dote" products because they're all natural and don't dry out my skin.
  4. Try to find a moisturizer with SPF- UV rays are very harsh on our skin, even when we aren’t in direct sunlight.
  5. Be gentle! If you’re going to pop your zits (because I know, it’s hard to resist) wait until they’re ready. Use a warm washcloth and apply a product with salicylic acid afterwards.
  6. Pay attention to where you break out – different areas of your face reflect different areas of your body. Like most health issues, the cure starts from inside.

If you are struggling with your skin, please know that you are not alone... acne is the most common skin condition in the United States and affects over 50 million people annually. I don't encourage turning straight to Accutane- test different topical treatments, change your diet or try acupuncture. If you don’t have problems with your skin, I envy you but also encourage you to start caring for your beautiful face now because it will affect the quality of your skin as you age. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!




Here is Dr. Bakshandeh's website with all of her information. If you're in Los Angeles and need a dermatologist, I HIGHLY recommend her.