January Intentions

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Resolution (n.) “a breaking into parts” (old French) or resolutionem (Latin) : “process of reducing things into simpler forms.” Sense of “a solving” - as is that of “power of holding firmly.”

Intention (n.) “purpose, aim or object; will, desire, that which is intended.” Also, “emotion, feelings; heart, mind, understanding.”

I wish they were called New Year’s Intentions. For me, resolutions can be tough because they seem to be something to “solve” or to hold onto, a punishment if we don’t hold true. An intention’s direction, however, stems from your truth and focusing on understanding.

Usually, a couple weeks into the New Year, my “resolutions” have pretty much flown out the window.  After my birthday, it’s the middle of the month, then January is almost over. Quickly, February is upon us – the shortest month of the year. After this, March approaches and it feels like the “New Year” is a thing of the past. This year, instead of declaring resolutions like I usually do, I decided to do something different. I was inspired by a blogger named Lee Tilghman (@leefromamerica) who writes 4-5 new intentions every month.


Everyone has a different opinion about the whole, “New Year New You” phenomenon… Some think it’s a silly gimmick by gyms, diet labels and self-help books used to persuade people to spend money in order to improve themselves. Others love the concept of starting fresh and look forward to a clean slate - 365 days ahead, you can begin anew. Personally, I think that you’re already doing great and if you’ve got something that’s working for ya, keep it up. If you want to change something, then by all means, make it happen.


Here are some Krafty tips for setting (and maintaining) New Year intentions:

Start simple

This goes back to the basic structure of goal-setting. If you list 100 things you want to accomplish, but have no plan or reason as to why, it will most likely not happen (speaking from experience here!) In the past, I set so many standards/goals/rules for myself that I felt overwhelmed and ended up not completing any of them. Struggle. (Does this happen to anyone else?) Make sure you are realistic and honest with yourself. Set (a few) solid intentions that you're able to work toward, focusing more on the quality of each one as opposed to how much you want to accomplish this year.  

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Baby Steps

 I set intentions JUST for January so I was able to focus on the month. This way, I can concentrate on the day-to-day stuff, as opposed to being overpowered by the entirety of 2018.

Be easy

 One of my intentions was to put away my phone and computer one hour before bedtime each night. Do you think I have held true to this? No. Another intention was to meditate every morning. This has not happened. Also, vocab matters: the simple act of stating an intention instead of a resolution has helped me come to terms with the idea of being imperfect. If you aren’t able to work out every single day or if you have a cookie during a “sugar-free” week – remember that there is always tomorrow. Just because you faltered one day does not mean it will happen every day thereafter.


Talk to yourself

 Are these intentions stemming from your truth? Ask yourself why you want to accomplish what you do. Another one of my favorite bloggers, Rachel Brathan (@yogagirl) says, “If you think your resolution is about losing weight/starting a new exercise regimen/changing something about yourself because you fundamentally feel like you aren’t good enough the way you are, it’s super important that you get to the root what lies beneath. You don’t “need” to lose weight! What you need is more loving kindness toward yourself.”

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Cada dia

Every day. Try to do something each day that takes you one step closer to an intention on your list. Even if it’s just one small thing, keep moving forward. (This is a tough one for me!)

This year is all about transformation. I want to move out of the country, become a certified yoga teacher, see a different place every month, live in the precious present, read more books, be OK with not always feeling OK, spend less time on my phone, push myself intellectually, learn another language, cook more, accept imperfections, and harness my own true power…to name a few!


What are some of your intentions? What do you want to accomplish in 2018? Be patient with yourself as you move through these next months and remember that there is always tomorrow - you can always start again.

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“Forcing ourselves to be happy is not genuine or productive. Being honest about what we feel while remaining calm and aware is the real work.” – Yung Pueblo

My childhood friend, Jessica Gill and I almost froze our bums off taking these pics! Go check out her amazing blog, Wanderlust Out West . She is constantly posting new adventures and somehow manages to always look cute doing so! All photos taken by the magnificent and truly talented: Cole Buckhart (@cole.mgkra) in my hometown: Jackson Hole, WY. I wanted to share these as a part of my New Year's post because going home always makes my soul feel so grounded and connected to my mountain roots.




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Scarf:  Free People It's sold out!

Blanket: Pendelton

Flannel: Land's End, circa 1999.

Hat: Jackson Hole Hat Company